Now that the world knows about our pregnancy I can finally share all the fun stories that we had to keep secret during the first part of my pregnancy, which, by the way, was very hard to do! As soon as we found out that we were pregnant, we both wanted to shout from the tops of the mountains that we were having a baby!
A week or so before I could actually take the pregnancy test I was pretty sure that I was pregnant, but I didn't want to tell McKay anything, because I wanted it to be a complete surprise when I told him. I wasn't sick, but I could tell that my body was getting ready for something. At the time, I was in the middle of recording a CD with a friend of mine, so was practicing and going into the studio a lot. The first day of recording landed right on McKay and my 2nd anniversary, which I felt terrible about, however, it was the only available time.
McKay and I agreed that we would celebrate our anniversary over the weekend with massages and dinner to make up for it though, but I knew I wanted to give him a special anniversary surprise on our actual anniversary day. I also knew that our anniversary was the first day that I could actually take the pregnancy test, so I prepared a slideshow of our past 2 years together and decided to put the pregnancy test results at the end, sure that it would be positive.
I also had work at the flower shop on the evening of our anniversary, (I know, I felt like the worst wife in the world!) but decided to take a pregnancy test with me. I took the pregnancy test at work, but did it completely wrong and had to buy another one on my way home from work. When I came through our door I gave McKay a hug and a kiss, then quickly ran to the bathroom to take the test. I wasn't surprised to see it come out positive, but began shaking with excitement! I snapped a shot and added it to the slideshow.
McKay had two wrapped presents waiting for me when I came out that he had been anxious to give me while I was in the bathroom for soooo long. With a huge smile on my face and jitters all over my body I opened his sweet presents. One was a sweater for me and the other was a little baby boy's outfit with knickers. It was adorable! At this point I thought he must have suspected something, but he said he saw it and just had to have it, because he thought that our first baby was going to be a boy. He has been getting me little children’s clothes for a while, so I could tell that he didn’t suspect anything. This was perfect!
I then brought him to the living room and started this video while we snuggled on the couch. It was fun to reminisce and see all the many things that we have done in the past two years.
At the end of the video McKay was so surprised that he couldn't quite comprehend what had just happened. He said, “Wait, you are” to which I replied "YES!" It was such a special moment. We hugged and kissed on the couch, and cried a lot. It was a perfect way to tell him and I couldn't think of a better anniversary present for the two of us! I love my McKay and can’t wait to bring this new life into the world with him! He is going to be the best father ever!
A poignant vignette to begin your book of motherhood. I can't wait to see next year's chapter with baby in a kilt!