Wednesday, September 12, 2012

When it Rains it Pours

I'd love to say that we have been enjoying the soothing pitter patter of rain on our roof along with its fresh, sweet aroma, however, the only showers that have come our way are of the baby and bridal kind - and it's been pouring!  I guess I should be grateful that it is sunny and warm here everyday, but my heart yearns for one of those nice long Michigan rainstorms...oh how it yearns!
Luckily, that void has been filled with wonderful parties and wonderful friends!  This summer so many of my close friends and family included me in their celebrations for their exciting new chapters of life!
This party was for Jackie in anticipation of the arrival of her beautiful baby girl.  I loved the feminine colors at this baby shower.  The hanging decorations were balloons covered in tissue paper.  Amazing - I know!  And the food was incredible.  Most of the food was vegan or made with only natural sweeteners.
The next baby shower was for this momma-to-be who I absolutely adore and am so grateful to be able to call family - she married McKay's cousin.
Her little baby boy was an absolute miracle who would not be alive today had it not been for the little whisperings of the Holy Ghost and the in tune spirit of this lovely lady.  She strongly felt like she needed to go in immediately (and I mean that instant) to get her 7-month-along baby checked out.  She took that feeling seriously and a few short hours later Tommy was born, very early, but alive.  Had she not listened to those promptings and gone in right then, the doctors said she would have miscarried.

Little children's toys spray painted gold - Adorable!
I took home two of the fighter air planes that I thought looked the highest tech for McKay, which he was excited to get, but of course McKay informed me that I didn't pick the coolest ones.  Apparently, I still have much to learn about fighter jets!
The last, but not least of the baby shower extravaganza month, was for my dear friend Carolyn.  Her theme was "Come Fly With Me" and she used little hot air balloons everywhere.  It was quite magical.  
I can now proudly say that I know how to shop for baby showers.  Before the first baby shower, I walked up and down the baby aisle at the grocery store for 40 minutes thinking, "what the heck do I get for a baby shower?"  I called my mom, hoping for this incredible advice to come from an experienced mother, but was quickly disappointed when she responded with, "Oh, I never know what to get for those things."  In my desperation, I started putting myself in the mother-to-be's shoes and thought of what I would want.  First thought: Clothes! (which is my answer to most things)  Second thought: Diapers!  I am practical...sometimes, after all.  So that's what I got, with the addition of a few cutesy things I found along the way like soft blankies, accessories, spoons and such!
I took a sneak peek into my friend's new baby room and just about died.  It could be straight out of a design magazine!
The last shower of the summer was a bridal shower for my cousin's awesome new bride, Courtney.  She did all the music for my wedding and I love her to death!  My cousin got lucky!
My aunt and cousins came to our neck of the woods for a change!  What a treat!  Some of these ladies I hadn't seen since last Thanksgiving!
After my bridal shower and our wedding, I remember McKay and I sitting in out honeymoon cabin talking about the generosity of all our family and guests during that time and being overcome with the feeling of gratitude.  It made me want to give back something to each of those people who did so much for us.  Knowing that we couldn't, except for maybe a thank you card and a hug, we both felt strongly that we would always try to give back to others the same kindness and generosity that we had received.  Now, more than ever, when I get a shower or wedding invitation I can't wait to figure out how I can, in the smallest degree, make that event just as special for them as mine was for me.  I love showers!

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