Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Expecto Bambino

We solemnly swear that we have been up to no good...
 Mischief Managed!
Coming February 2014!

McKay and I are beyond ecstatic for this little baby to come into our lives.  We have been praying and hoping for this little one for a long time.  McKay and I had a blast making this announcement together.  Our bestest friends, Jordan and Nicole, came over as soon as we found out and took pictures for us.  We have been dying to share them!

The more we go to the doctor and see our little one the more we realize how perfect this announcement is for our baby. The last three times that we have been to the doctor, the doctor has flat out started laughing because our little baby won't stay still.  I guess we have quite the active child on our hands!  And mischievous!  Look at our baby in this picture - sticking it's tongue out at us.  Ha ha!  I love our baby so much already it hurts!  I can't wait to meet them!

I have to share one adorable story about McKay because it is just too cute.  McKay and I talk about our baby all the time and dream of what they will look like, and what their personality will be like.  It's kind of our favorite activity to do.  While talking about how much we both already love our little baby, McKay looked at me very seriously and said, "Are you going to love this baby more than me?"  With that question I gently grabbed McKay by the hand and took him into our bedroom and laid him down on our bed, which we always do when one of us wants to tell the other something very important.  I laid right next to him on my side and looked into his eyes while stroking his worried adorable face and said, "I will love all our babies fiercely, but one day our little babies will grow up and find husbands or wives of their own to love and leave us, and guess who will be left?"  McKay's face light up as he sheepishly responded, "Me!"  "Yes," I continued, "And you are, and always will be my number one baby.  I will always love you most of anyone in this world!"  McKay buried his head in my arms in relief and smiled extra big the rest of that day.  

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