Sometimes I feel like this would be a good title for most of my posts as I am still catching up, but it is definitely appropriate for this one. Before our next excursion in Michigan, I sat McKay down to watch the timeless romantic, Somewhere in Time. With Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymour starring in this fabulous 80's treasure, how could it not be wonderful? McKay loved it and was now pumped to see Mackinac island where this movie was filmed.
The only way to get over to the island is by these ferryboats.
When you arrive on the island it is as though you have jumped back in time to the early 1900's. There are no vehicles on the island, only horse-drawn carriages...
...and a multitude of bikes...
...and lots and lots of fudge!
The island was an important point of commerce during the fur trade around the late 1600's. After the American Revolutionary War started, Fort Mackinac was built by the British, but did not see any battles until the War of 1812. Since then, it has become a place of tourism, seeing almost 15,000 people a day in the summers!
While on the island, we bumped into my harp teacher, who was playing at a wedding. Could you pick a more romantic place to get married? Seriously!
Since there were no cars or motorcycles to travel around the island on, we rented some bikes and made the peaceful, quiet and calming trip around the island. However, with Mr. Speedy here, sometimes I felt a bit like Sister Uchtdorf, from the story in Elder Utchdorf's most recent General Conference talk, where he explains his desire to become more competitive.
I love how Elder Uchtdorf puts it though:
My wife, Harriet, and I love riding our bicycles. It is wonderful to get out and enjoy the beauties of nature. We have certain routes we like to bike, but we don’t pay too much attention to how far we go or how fast we travel in comparison with other riders.
However, occasionally I think we should be a bit more competitive. I even think we could get a better time or ride at a higher speed if only we pushed ourselves a little more. And then sometimes I even make the big mistake of mentioning this idea to my wonderful wife.
Her typical reaction to my suggestions of this nature is always very kind, very clear, and very direct. She smiles and says, “Dieter, it’s not a race; it’s a journey. Enjoy the moment.”
How right she is!
Read the whole talk here! Of Regrets and Resolutions
Luckily, like Sister Uchtdorf, I was able to reign in my stallion and help him to worry less about finishing the ride and more about enjoying the moment.
I even got him to stop for some Zen time by one of the many rock piles along the beach.
Last Sunday, he taught a lesson in church from this exact talk and shared this experience explaining that Marielle was right. He thanked me on Sunday and said, "I'm so glad I have you to help me enjoy the moments!" How cute he is.
...we hopped into a buggy and made our way past all the quaint houses...
...up to the most spectacular hotel of them all!
The Grand Hotel
Many presidents and important people have stayed here over the years, but all McKay and I cared about doing was seeing all the places from Somewhere in Time.
We proceeded to reenacted all the scenes.
This is the room where Jane Seymour stayed.
And this is where Christopher Reeves cried like a little baby...
...before the quintessential, reuniting kiss after the long run down the stair, which we did too. It was quite fun...and romantic if I might add.
Below is our spoils of the day.
You can't really leave the island without some fudge. The fudge stores are everywhere and I swear they must waft the fudge's sweet aroma out onto the streets, begging all to come hither.
Goodbye Mackinac Island,
Goodbye U.P.
and Goodbye Mackinac Bridge!
Ah I just love hearing about your lives! You two are such cuties. Such a good-lookin' couple! XO